Sunday, February 28, 2010

Claudio Giaconi

I have been reflecting on the earthquake in Chile. Somehow I was reminded of my college Spanish teacher, who was from Chile. It prompted me to do a Google search for him. You can see what I found at When I was 18 years old, I was focused on my GPA and the future. I did not take the time to know better this gentleman who smoked incessantly, and who had the slicked-back hair.  He was handsome, erudite, and sophisticated. I knew that he was a writer and that he was Chilean, but he rarely shared more about himself than his love for Unamuno, Garcia Lorca, and other Spanish writers. He was also a bit intimidating- his wit was sly and often I was not sure that I actually understood it. I am also not sure of the story of why Claudio was in Greensburg, PA teaching Spanish to a class in the fledgling University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg.

I have many regrets, but now I have a new one. I regret not having had the opportunity to learn more about Claudio and to appreciate his art. One of my life’s missed possibilities.

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